How The Seed came to be…

The Seed started as an idea that God gave to two people who didn’t know each other at all.  Over five years ago, Steve Walters began driving and biking throughout rural southeast South Dakota, praying for an opportunity to minister there in some way.  He longed to “raise the spiritual temperature” of the region and bless those outside the walls of Hillside Community Church in Vermillion where he pastored.  

10 years ago, I (Christiana Ostrem) wrote the idea of a coffeehouse in a journal when I moved to Centerville, SD to teach music.  I wanted a place where everyone felt welcomed and known.  I wanted a place where people of all ages could engage with each other in conversation, studying, and friendship.  Above all, I wanted those who entered to encounter the Jesus that I know and love.  

In 2018, an opportunity was brought before me to start a coffee shop in Centerville.  There was a building that needed renovations, a community that was hopeful, and a lot of work ahead.  As I began to embark on the journey of starting a small business, I realized the magnitude of the feat that was in front of me.  It was clear to me that I needed a person or group to come alongside me in this venture.  So I asked God to provide a partner in ministry.  Two weeks later, I was introduced to Steve Walters.  As we shared our ideas, it was fascinating to find that we both had similar visions.  

Over the next few months, Steve, and Hillside Community Church in Vermillion, along with First Baptist Church in Viborg, and many other people and groups, came alongside us. We worked together with our landlords Troy and Jen Knudson to renovate the building and prepare it for opening.  Our journey had its bumps along the way.  We could not have foreseen Steve being diagnosed with cancer in October 2019, and passing away in March 2020, nor the impact that COVID-19 would have on our nation.  But, we began to slowly open, first with window service on April 26 on weekends only and then fully opening on June 1, 2020, offering in house seating, a full espresso bar, and breakfast and lunch.  We are proud to feature Rainy Day Coffee, roasted locally in Hudson, SD, along with fresh pastries and sandwiches made by our chef, Conrad Josko.  

In a few short months, The Seed became a gathering place for people of all ages, a site to host meetings and birthday parties, a study location for students, and a hub for bible studies.  We look forward to investing in our community with new opportunities, foods, and events.  We are endlessly grateful to each person who has been a part of our journey and so proud of the place The Seed has become.  

Christiana and Greg Ostrem

Terry and Steve Walters

Terry and Steve Walters

To learn about our custom espresso, the SW Blend, named after Steve Walters, click here.

To reserve space or a table for a meeting or event, call The Seed at 605-552-0313 or email us at

Christiana Ostrem
Co-Founder of The Seed